October 25, 2022

ORFA members are invited to participate in a survey as part of a research study examining the level of crisis readiness regarding professionals in the ice industry that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Doctoral Candidate Jamie Ann Baringer of Bowling Green State University is conducting this research project in the Leadership Studies department. BGSU Faculty Dr. Rachel Vannatta is sponsoring this research. I have worked in the ice arena industry for the last 21 years and want to continue to make our industry stronger and more prepared for the “what if” scenarios should a major crisis happen.  

This research project examines the level of crisis readiness of professionals in the ice industry. This study will evaluate self-reported Crisis Readiness Competencies based on education, years of experience, participation in training, and job title. The study will also seek any national differences between U.S. and Canada. In addition, this study will also seek to further professionalism in the industry by creating a future training template for the ice industry and shared across trade associations.

The risks associated with this study are no greater than those experienced daily, nor are there any costs for participating in the study. This study will help researchers and organizations better understand how to best prepare you and your employee should a crisis happen in your arena. You may also benefit from this study because your responses may aid in assisting your organization in providing you with a safer and more prepared work environment.

Participation in the survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. Nothing in the survey will influence your present or future employment with your employer. No individual-level data or individual responses will be shared with your employer. You will be asked questions about your crisis readiness, education level, years of experience, participation in training, job title, age, race, and gender. Researchers and methodologists (BGSU Faculty Dr. Rachel Vannatta) will store all data on a password-protected computer to protect your identity.

Thank you in advance for considering participation in this valuable research. 

If you would like to participate in this research project, please complete the short survey in the link below.

Your help is greatly appreciated.