October 19, 2021
The ORFA has adopted the same principles outlined in the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Operating Engineers Risk-Based Regulatory Framework for Plant Rating and Attendance for “unattended” ice sheet refrigeration plants. Please reach out to Brian Gee, Chief Officer, OE Program at the TSSA regarding changes to your Refrigeration Plant Registration. [More]
One of the most fundamental responsibilities of the ORFA is to monitor shifting patterns and potential emerging issues and provide the necessary leadership to avoid negative outcomes. The ORFA believes that maintaining a safe ice sheet refrigeration plant should not be blurred by the amount of registered horsepower a system has in place but rather guided by the fact that public safety in all ice sheet refrigeration facilities has the same level of responsibility and accountability. [More]
The ORFA continues to raise concern surrounding our sectors aging ice sheet refrigeration inventory which demands responsible operation and maintenance and believes that any negative outcome from a plant failure rests solely with the plants owner, user and operators. The ORFA continues to strongly recommend that all ice sheet refrigeration plants be under the care and control of a Certified Arena Refrigeration Plant Technician (CARPT) who can help guide the “unattended” plant owner in their responsibilities.
The ORFA offers a self-study resource for all ice sheet refrigeration plant owners and users to assist in this journey. [More]
The ORFA is currently investing in making all CARPT training courses more accessible to members.
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